Humankind has been eating bread since it learned how to make fire. For thousands of years across the globe, it served as basic food while also being served as offerings to the deities of various cultures. People don't often realise just how close we are to this food compared to other foods. And as time has passed, we have learnt to make a large variety of breads based on taste and healthiness. As of today, there is one company in Japan that makes the healthiest bread — Tanbo No Bread Kobo Niji No Ho.
So What Does Tanbo No Bread Kobo Niji No Ho Do?
It uses rice flour instead of wheat flour to bake bread that increases its nutritional value manifold. It is also completely gluten-free so that those who are mildly or greatly allergic to wheat face no problems and can easily eat it. This wonderful rice flour bread can also be ordered by the company's special Rice Flour Bread Mail Order where people can receive many benefits.